
Mar 21, 2021

° Fake Wood °


° Fake Wood °

I had planned to redecorate my kitchen with few things I had at home. I needed to reorganize a stand that was a mess filled with instant soups, noodles, beans, sachets, bags, etc so I thought some organizing boxes would be a good idea.

For this project I decided to use cardboard boxes, so I took the measurement of my stand and proceeded to cut the cardboard according to these measurements.

 To create the illusion of wood-made boxes, I mixed acrylic paint using brown, black and white colors with a bit of water

 This is the result :

Then, for a harder texture and sealing the color as well, I applied wood varnish to it


After drying fully (I let it dry for 24 hours), I painted it again. Then
I glued all the parts together



Then painted it all in the inside and let it dry fully

 Now after having my boxes ready, I was going for a simple decoration. I found a piece of brown fabric and thin rope

 I covered all the inside of boxes with the fabric and glued the thin rope on the front border

I used some stickers for writing the names and glued them on the front and Voila! its ready!! 
So here is the result and how it looks in my stand! 

 How you liked? well hope you find it useful and try it yourself !
SK Moon

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