
Mar 21, 2021

° Fake Wood °


° Fake Wood °

I had planned to redecorate my kitchen with few things I had at home. I needed to reorganize a stand that was a mess filled with instant soups, noodles, beans, sachets, bags, etc so I thought some organizing boxes would be a good idea.

For this project I decided to use cardboard boxes, so I took the measurement of my stand and proceeded to cut the cardboard according to these measurements.

 To create the illusion of wood-made boxes, I mixed acrylic paint using brown, black and white colors with a bit of water

 This is the result :

Then, for a harder texture and sealing the color as well, I applied wood varnish to it


After drying fully (I let it dry for 24 hours), I painted it again. Then
I glued all the parts together



Then painted it all in the inside and let it dry fully

 Now after having my boxes ready, I was going for a simple decoration. I found a piece of brown fabric and thin rope

 I covered all the inside of boxes with the fabric and glued the thin rope on the front border

I used some stickers for writing the names and glued them on the front and Voila! its ready!! 
So here is the result and how it looks in my stand! 

 How you liked? well hope you find it useful and try it yourself !
SK Moon

Jan 5, 2021

° Embroidered Painting °


° Embroidered Paintings °

Has it happened to you that you are in the process of decorating your home/bedroom/studio/workshop and you are in the search of THAT painting to place on a wall that will make a difference, but end up with nothing because they are all expensive!?

Many times frustration either will make you give up or will turn you into a creator!

I fell in love with a Buddha painting that i wanted so much in my living room's main wall, but unfortunately price was little too much and I was going through a lot of expenses in that moment so I couldn't get it.

Saddened and frustrated I started thinking on how to recreate that same painting at home. I wasn't having much spare time to actually paint it myself so i thought of another way : searching the web!

When I found something 90% similar, I saved the image in my pc ( size should be "Large", I chose one of over 2000 ). 

First step was ready! Getting it printed was the next step!

Once I had it in my hands, I needed to search for a material that wasn't expensive nor heavy. 


My choice was polystyrene foam! Its thick in texture but not heavy at all! besides its also very cheap :D

I had a cutter at home so I cut the polystyrene foam leaving approximately  5 cms more on each of the 4 sides of the image 

Once cut and in order to get an even surface, I used gesso to cover it all

I let it dry overnight because I found out polystyrene foam takes longer in drying. Once dry, I painted the surface with a mix of yellow and white acrylic paint ( 1/2 small cup of yellow x 2 cups of white + 1/3 cup of water )

Couple of hours is enough for getting a dry surface!

I found an old blouse with a nice embroidery on it that was in my donations bag. I thought I would cover all 4 sides of the image with the embroidery!

Next step was to glue the image, center it nicely and then proceeded to glue the embroidery in all 4 sides of the image!

The final step was to make a small hole on the back so I can hang it on the wall, where I had a hook previously installed.

Here is the final product!. I did the same for my other 2 rooms! 

Hope you liked and maybe, try it yourself! 

SK Moon

Dec 30, 2020

° Wall Garden °



 ° Wall Garden °

I was having an empty wall on my patio that looked boring, but since I have dogs i had to think of a way to decorate with plants and to keep it out of their reach as well, because they are my little devils 😅 and enjoy destroying everything!

So for this project I thought of a wall garden or what its called in some places, " a vertical garden"  

Here is what I used :



Thin rope



Wooden pots

I had the plywood cut in 3 "stripes" of the same size ( this depends on the size of your wall! ) next, I had it fixed on the wall with some screws and hooks ( I got 9 ).


Once ready, i got it painted with varnish and let it dry overnight, in the meantime i tied the rope on both sides of the wooden pots ( I was keeping 4 ) and placed the succulents in them 

( they came with soil so I used it as well ). 

Next step was to hang them in the wall garden and voila! its ready!

I noticed my Jasmine plant all alone in a corner so I decided to place it under the wall garden and to protect it from my little devils, I placed 2 empty pots on both sides with candles inside, this way they don't come close to my plant! 😁

I started with 4 pots but will add few more soon! 

 Hope you liked and try it yourself!


SK Moon

° Hello! °


This part of my blog is where I will show you my work!

Thank you for visiting!